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Métodos Analíticos Thermo Scientific para Alimentos

Le ofrecemos los Métodos Analíticos más solicitados en el Análisis de Residuos. Tenga en cuenta lo siguiente:
  • Estos métodos pueden requerir adaptación a casos particulares
  • Las columnas y accesorios descritos pueden tener alternativas de superiores prestaciones
  • Nuestro Servicio Técnico le puede ayudar en cada caso
  • Podemos ofrecerle también los Estándares Certificados de Calibración,  los Materiales de Referencia requeridos para la Validación del Métodos, y la participación en Ejercicios de Intercalibración.
  • Todos estos productos están en el apartado Estándares de este Sitio Web.

Composición y Análisis de Trazas en Aceites

Los aceites comestibles son uno de los ingredientes de cocina más abundantes del mundo. Se extraen de plantas (soja, colza, chiles...), de semillas (sésamo, girasol...), de nueces (macadamia, nueces...) y frutos (palma, oliva, coco...). Según el tipo de aceite se usan en la cocción o fritura de alimentos o en productos como aderezos de ensaladas, margarinas u otros. Además, los aceites comestibles también se usan en la producción de cosméticos y en biodiésel.

Título Tamaño Descargar

Edible oil workflows. Compositional and trace contaminant analysis

1.7 MB
Comparative Analysis of Cooking Oils Using a Solid Core HPLC Column 430 kB
Determinación de Ácidos Grasos Libres (FFA). Método Frío. COI-T.20-Doc. No 34-Nov. 2015 183 kB
Determinación de Biofenoles de los Aceites de Oliva Mediante HPLC. COI-T.20-Doc. No 29. Nov. 2009 200 kB
Determinación de Ésteres Metílicos de Ácidos Grasos por GC. COI-T.20-Doc. No 33. Feb. 2015 838 kB
Determinación de la Composición de Triacilgliceroles y Composición y Contenido de Diacillgliceroles por Cromatografía de Gases Capillar en Aceites Vegetales. COI-T.20-Doc. No 32. Nov.2013 618 kB
Determinación de la Composición y Contenido de Esteroles y Dialcoholes Triterpénicos Por GC Capilar. COI-T.20-Doc. No 30-Rev. 1. Nov. 2013 870 kB
Determinación de la Degradación de los Productos Corofílicos (feofitinas a,a' y pireofitinas) ES ISO 29841-2009 381 kB
Determinación de la Diferencia Entre el Contenido Actual y Teórico de Trialcilgliceroles con ECN 42. COI-T.20-Doc. No 20-Rev 3 2010 337 kB
Determinación de los Esterenos En Aceites Vegetales Refinados. COI-T.20-DOC. 16 - 2001 173 kB
Determinación de los Estigmastadienos en los Aceites Vegetales. COI-T.20-Doc. No 11-Rev. 2. 2011 139 kB
Determinación del Contenido de Alcoholes Alifáticos y Triterpénicos por GC Capilar. COI-T.20-Doc. no.26-Rev.1. Feb. 2015 271 kB
Determinación del Contenido de Ceras, Ésteres Metílicos y Etílicos de Ácidos Grasos por GC Capilar. COI-T.20-Doc. No 28-Rev. 1 2010 1.1 MB
Determinación del Contenido en Ceras Mediante GC Capilar. COI-T.20-Doc. No 18-Rev. 2. Dic. 2003 60 kB
Determinación del Valor de Peróxidos. COI-T.20-Doc. No 35. July 2016 140 kB
Estándares de Comercio Aplicables a Aceites de Oliva y Orujo. COI-T.15-NC No 3-Rev. 11. Jul. 2016 322 kB
Investigación Espectrofotométrica en el Ultravioleta. COI-T.20-Doc. No 19-Rev. 3. Feb.2015 528 kB
Método Global para la Detección de Aceites Extraños en Aceite de Oliva. COI-T.20-Doc. No 25-Rev. 1. Nov. 2013 1.1 MB
Método para la Determinación del Porcentaje de 2-Monopalmitato de Glicerilo. COI-T.20-Doc. No 23 2006 383 kB
Reglamento (CE) nº 10192002 de la Comisión 13-06- 2002 sobre las Normas de Comercialización del Aceite de Oliva RCE-1019-2002 53 kB
Valoración Organoléptica del Aceite de Oliva. COI-T.20-Doc. No 15-Rev. 2. Sep.2007 102 kB
Valoración Organoléptica del Aceite de Oliva. COI-T.20-Doc. No 15-Rev. 8. Nov.2015 630 kB


Los Carbohidratos juegan un papel vital en una gran variedad de funciones biológicas, inclusive la comunicación celular, expresión de genes, inmunología, mecanismos de defensa del organismo y crecimiento y desarrollo. Son de análisis difícil al ser compuestos muy polares, de estructura molecular parecida y la falta de cromóforos adecuados.

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Carbohydrates Analysis Application Notebook

2.4 MB


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Food Safety and Testing, Application Note Compendium: Beer

3.4 MB

Nuevas Aplicaciones GCMS y LCMS en Seguridad Alimentaria

Thermo Fisher Scientific ha recopilado en un manual de 473 páginas los métodos por GCMS y LCMS más actuales para Seguridad Alimentaria.
Estos métodos se basan en la instrumentación más avanzada y en columnas de última generación CET o UHPLC.


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Mass Spectrometry Applications for Food Safety Analysis 28.7 MB
Título Técnica Clean-Up Columna Tamaño Descargar
A Rapid and Specific Method for the Detection of Spiked Toxins Into the Food Supply LCMSMS LLE Gold 499Kb
Advances in Automation of Food-related Analysis and Screening       499 Kb
Analysis of Azo Dyes Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column LC-UV   AccuCore RP-MS 416 Kb
Analysis of Illegal Dyes in Food Matrices Using Automated Online Sample Preparation with Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry LCMSMS TurboFlow AccuCore PhenylHexyl 309 Kb
Analysis of Melamine and Cyanuric Acid in Food Matrices by LC-MS/MS LCMSMS SPE Biobasic AX 670 Kb
Analysis of Melamine and Cyanuric Acid Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HILIC HPLC column LCMS   AccuCore Hilic 324 Kb
Analysis of Perchlorate in Infant Formula by Ion Chromatography-Electrospray-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (IC-ESI-MS/MS) LCMSMS LLE Dionex AS16 260 Kb
Analysis of Plasticizer Contaminants in Beverages and Milk using an Automated System Based on Turbulent-flow Chromatography Coupled to LC-MS/MS LCMSMS TurboFlow Gold 451 KB
Characterization of Triacylglycerides (TAGs) in Vegetable Oils using MALDI LTQ Orbitrap XL Instrumentation LCMSMS     2.1 Mb
Determination of Acrolein and Other Process Contaminants in Beer, Wine, and Potato Chip Matrices by Liquid Chromatography-Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry LCMSMS SPE AccuCore RP-MS 328 Kb
Determination of Bisphenol A in Infant Formula by Automated Sample Preparation and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry LCMSMS TurboFlow Gold aQ 538 Kb
High Sensitivity Analysis of Nitrosamines Using GC-MS/MS GCMSMS SPE TG-WaxMS 883 Kb
High-Resolution Accurate-Mass (HRAM) Phthalate Screening using Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART) Ambient Ionization DART     448 Kb
Identification of Cannabinoids in Baked Goods by UHPLC/MS LCMSMS LLE Gold PFP 397 Kb
Identification of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in Candy by UHPLC/MS LCMSMS LLE Gold PFP 351 Kb
Simple and Rapid Screening of Melamine in Milk Products with High Resolution Accurate Mass Benchtop Orbitrap LC-MS LCMSMS SPE BioBasix AX 509 Kb
The Analysis of Bisphenol A-diglycidyl Ether (badge), Bisphenol F-diglycidyl Ether (bfdge) and Their Derivatives in Canned Food and Beverages by LC-MS/MS LCMSMS LLE AccuCore C18 247 Kb
Título Técnica Clean-Up Columna Tamaño Descargar
Analysis of (Fluoro)quinolones in Honey with Online Sample Extraction and LC-MS/MS LCMSMS   Gold 493 Kb
Analysis of Sulphonamides Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC Column LC-UV   AccuCore C18 612 Kb
Analysis of β-agonists Using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore Phenyl-Hexyl HPLC Column LCMS   AccuCore PhenylHexyl 316 Kb
Automated Online Multi-Residue LC-MS/MS Method for the Determination of Antibiotics in Chicken Meat LCMSMS TurboFlow Betasil PhenylHexyl 376 Kb
Detection of Glucocorticoid Residues in Animalderived Food by HPLC-MS/MS LCMSMS SPE GOLD 275 Kb
Detection of Six Zeranol Residues in Animalderived Food by HPLC-MS/MS LCMSMS SPE GOLD 232 Kb
Highly Selective Detection and Identification of NitrofuranMetabolites in Honey Using LC-MS/MS LCMSMS   GOLD 469 Kb
High-throughput Screening Method for Multiple Classes of Antibiotics in Milk Using Automated Sample Preparation and LC-MS/MS LCMSMS TurboFlow Betasil PhenylHexyl 496 Kb
Measurement of Chloramphenicol in Honey Using Automated Sample Preparation with LC-MS/MS LCMSMS Quechers Gold 412 Kb
Multi-class Antibiotic Screening of Honey Using Online Extraction with LC-MS/MS LCMSMS TurboFlow Betasil PhenylHexyl 367 Kb
Multi-residue Automated Turbulent Flow Online LC-MS/MS Method for the Determination of Antibiotics in Milk LCMSMS TurboFlow Betasil PhenylHexyl 387 Kb
Quantitative Analysis of Ractopamine in Beef using Automated Online Sample Preparation with Liquid Chromatography- Tandem Mass Spectrometry LCMSMS TurboFlow AccuCore C18 337 Kb
Simple and Rapid Analysis of Chloramphenicol in Milk by LC-MS/MS LCMSMS LLE GOLD 644 Kb
Study of β-agonist Residues in Animal-derived Foods by LC-MS/MS LCMSMS SPE GOLD 239 Kb
Validated Method for the Determination of Phenylbutazone in Horse Meat with LC-MS/MS LCMSMS SPE AccuCore C18 514 Kb
Título Técnica Clean-Up Columna Tamaño Descargar
Detection of Mycotoxins in Corn Meal Extract Using Automated Online Sample Preparation with LC-MS/MS LCMSMS TurboFlow GOLD 362 Kb
Determination of Fusarium Mycotoxins in Wheat, Maize and Animal Feed Using an Online TurboFlow and Orbitrap LC/MS Method LCMSMS TurboFlow GOLD 326 Kb
High-Throughput Food Safety Control Employing Real Time Ionization (DART) Coupled to Orbitrap High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry DART QuEChERS   342 Kb
Multi-mycotoxin Screening and Quantitation Using UHPLC, High Resolution and Accurate Mass LCMSMS LLE GOLD aQ 1.2 Mb
Targeted Screening of Fungal and Plant Metabolites in Wheat, Corn, and Animal Feed Using Automated Online Sample Preparation Coupled to Orbitrap LC-MS LCMSMS TurboFlow GOLD 582 Kb
Título Técnica Clean-Up Columna Tamaño Descargar
Analysis of Early Eluting Pesticides in a C18-Type Column Using a Divert Valve and LC-MS/MS LCMSMS   GOLD 845 Kb
Comparing LC and GC Triple Quadrupole MS for the Screening of 500 Pesticides in Matrix LC & GC QuEChERS TG-5SILMS&GOLD 445 Kb
Determination of 24 Pesticide Residues in Red Wine Using a QuEChERS Sample Preparation Approach and LC-MS/MS Detection LCMSMS QuEChERS AccuCore aQ 637 Kb
Determination of Carbendazim and Benomyl Residues in Oranges and Orange Juice by Automated Online Sample Preparation Using TLX-LC-MS/MS LCMSMS QuEChERS GOLD 455 Kb
Determination of Different Classes of Pesticide Residues in Processed Fruits and Vegetables by LC-MS Using the TSQ Quantum Ultra According to EU Directive 91/414 EEC LC-ESI-MS/MS   GOLD 603 Kb
Determination of Pesticides in Grapes, Baby Food and Wheat Flour by Automated Online Sample Preparation LC-MS/MS LCMSMS QuEChERS GOLD 425 Kb
Fast GC-MS/MS for High Throughput Pesticides Analysis GCMSMS QuEChERS TG-5SILMS 809 Kb
High Precision Pesticide Analysis in Produce using GC Triple Quadrupole and U-SRM Mode LCMSMS QuEChERS TG-5MS 485 Kb
High Resolution and Precise Mass Accuracy: A Perfect Combination for Food and Feed Analysis in Complex Matrices LCMSMS   GOLD 563 Kb
Improved Screening for 250 Pesticides in Matrix using a LC-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer LC-TQUAD   GOLD aQ 1.7 Mb
Increasing Speed of UHPLC-MS Analysis Using Single-stage Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer LCMSMS QuEChERS GOLD PFP 371 Kb
Multi-residue Analysis of Pesticides in Food using GC/MS/MS with the TSQ Quantum GC GCMSMS QuEChERS TG-5SILMS 1.3 Mb
Multi-Residue Pesticide Analysis in Herbal Products Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction with a Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS System GCMSMS GPC TG-5SMS 446 Kb
Non-targeted Screening and Accurate Mass Confirmation of 510 Pesticides on the High Resolution Exactive Benchtop LC/MS Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer LCMSMS QuEChERS GOLD aQ 621 Kb
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Pesticides in Horse Feed Matrix Using Orbitrap MS LCMSMS QuEChERS GOLD PFP 445 Kb
Rapid Analysis of Pesticides in Difficult Matrices Using GC/MS/MS GCMSMS QuEChERS TR-Pesticides 446 Kb
Screening for 250 Pesticides in Orange Oil and Ginseng Extract by LC-MS/MS Using TraceFinder Software LCMSMS QuEChERS GOLD FP 907 Kb
Screening Method for 30 Pesticides in Green Tea Extract Using Automated Online Sample Preparation with LC-MS/MS LCMSMS QuEChERS GOLD 511 Kb
Simplifying Complex Multi-Residue Pesticide Methodology in GC-MS/MS GCMSMS     460 Kb
Streamlined Analysis of 400+ Pesticides in a Single Run Using the TSQ Quantum Access MAX Mass Spectrometer and TraceFinder Software LCMSMS QuEChERS GOLD aQ 1.2Mb
Testing LC-MS System Robustness with Automated Sample Cleanup Using Red Wine as a Matrix LCMSMS   GOLD 576 Kb
The Thermo Scientific Exactive Benchtop LC/MS Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer       1.1 Mb
Use of UHPLC and High-Resolution MS for Quantitative Analysis of Pesticides in Onion Matrix LCMSMS QuEChERS GOLD aQ 363 Kb
Food safety and Testing, Application Note Compendium: Pesticides Varias Varias Varias 8.5 Mb
Título Técnica Clean-Up Columna Tamaño Descargar
Identification and Quantification of Impurities in Wines by GC/MS GCMS SPME TG-5MS 402 Kb
Comparative Analysis of Cooking Oils Using a Solid Core HPLC Column LC-UV   AccuCore C30 428 Kb
Determination of Catechins and Phenolic Acids in Red Wine by Solid Phase Extraction and HPLC LC-UV SPE AccuCore PFP 553 Kb
Direct Analysis of Red Wine Using Ultra-Fast Chromatography and High Resolution Mass Spectrometry LCMSMS   GOLD 564 Kb
Fast Analysis of Coffee Bean Extracts Using a Solid Core HPLC Column LC-UV LLE AccuCore RP-MS 415 Kb
LC-MS/MS Method for the Rapid Analysis of Five Artificial Sweeteners Using a Core Enhanced Technology Column LCMSMS   AccuCore RP-MS 344 Kb
Measurement of Vitamin D in Milk and Infant Formulas Using Automated Online Sample Preparation with Liquid Chromatography/ Tandem Mass Spectrometry LCMSMS TurboFlow GOLD 325 Kb
Measuring Phytosterols in Health Supplements by LC/MS LCMS LLE Acclaim C30 341 Kb
Metabolomic Analysis of Green and Black Tea Extracts Using an LTQ Orbitrap XL Hybrid Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer LCMSMS   GOLD 586 Kb
Rapid Screening of Dietary Supplements with Direct Analysis ID-CUBE Coupled to an Exactive Mass Spectrometer ID-CUBE     287 Kb
Separation of Curcuminoids from Turmeric – Comparison of Polar Embedded and C18 Solid HPLC Core Columns   LLE AccuCore Polar P 1.1 Mb
Top Down Milk Protein Identifi cation and Relative Quantifi cation by Q Exactive Mass Spectrometer LC-UV   BioBasic C18 352 Kb
Título Técnica Clean-Up Columna Tamaño Descargar
Analysis of Microcystins from Blue-green Algae Using the TSQ Quantum Ultra LC-MS/MS System LCMSMS   HyPURITY™ C18 336 Kb
Determination of Lipophilic Marine Biotoxins in Molluscs by LC-MS/MS using Offline Extraction LCMSMS SPE GOLD 316 Kb
Identification and Quantitation of Microcystins by Targeted Full-Scan LC-MS/MS LCMSMS SPE PepMap 100 C18 1.2 Mb
Non-Targeted Screening of Lipophilic Marine Biotoxins by Liquid Chromatography – High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry LCMSMS LLE GOLD 411 Kb

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